紧急医疗服务(EMS) 使用RFID进行库存管理
Silent Partner Technologies(SPT)是一家专注于资产和库存管理的RFID系统开发商,它与JADAK联系,提供集成的RFID阅读器。SPT正在设计一个用于紧急医疗服务的RFID系统,以及消防和其他急救员,以管理他们的库存。SPT设计了一个名为IntelliView的系统,将RFID阅读器和天线放置在车辆内,以创建“智能”车辆,房间和/或架子(SmartShelves)。然后将RFID标签直接放置在设备或医疗用品上,然后将其存储在架子,车辆或袋子/鹈鹕箱子中。这可以实现紧急医疗提供商可以快速确定可用的耗材及其确切位置,简化补货并大幅提高根据召回或到期查找和提取物品的能力。
JADAK为SPT提供了ThingMagic Mercury6(M6)RAIN超高频(UHF)RFID模块,该模块能够连续读取区域内的大量标签。M6用于SPT客户的智能房间,货架,机架和门户应用程序。当应急提供商提供耗材和库存以供使用时,SPT的系统能够自动更新信息,以便快速准确地补充库存。JADAK为SPT提供了微型模块,可在SPT IntelliVan应用程序中使用。
“我们已经与JADAK合作了六年多,并且发现硬件和产品易于使用并集成在我们的系统中,”SPT总裁Ted Kostis说。JADAK的产品多功能性和广泛的产品线为SPT提供了满足其所有读卡器需求的单一来源。

结果:Bonita Springs
Bonita Springs消防控制和救援区使用SPT的IntelliView解决方案。Bonita Springs有六个不同的位置,每个位置都有丰富的医疗设备,每个车站都有自己的医疗供应室。在使用IntelliView解决方案之前,Bonita Springs手动进行了清点,导致遗漏项目、过期日期和代价高昂的错误。一旦BonitaSprings安装了IntelliView RFID系统,就可以通过使用RFID标签对项目进行计数和跟踪。读卡器和天线安装在其医疗供应室中,监控数量和到期日期,并在数量不足或供应到期时发出警报。因此,Bonita Springs能够通过其网站每天监控库存,仅在第一年就节省了30%的采购成本。这并没有考虑到在工作时间内所实现的额外的显著节省。
科罗拉多州南地铁消防局也使用了SPT的IntelliView解决方案。南地铁运营17个特快专递站,库存储存在其总部。在SPT解决方案之前,对供应品进行计数,并手动验证到期日期,这需要大量的时间,并导致严重的错误。South Metro的IntelliView系统使用主动和被动RFID技术跟踪序列化物品(如麻醉品)和非序列化资产和用品。RFID技术将供应架转换成智能货架,用于识别标签物品。机架上安装了天线和Jadak的Mercury6固定读卡器。使用标签识别物品。IntelliView基于云的软件包括管理标签读取的中间件和库存管理应用程序。当从智能书架中删除标记的项目时,会自动检测到该项目,并实时更新库存。该软件还跟踪产品何时到期,并提供一个日程安排日历,以监控何时需要重新校准项目。项目建成后,救护车离开车站,配备了正确的设备和新鲜药品,开销减少了50%。由于实施了IntelliView,South Metro通过将库存减少一半,在前18个月内实现了投资回报。它还将劳动力成本降低了约400%。

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Inventory Management using RFID
Silent Partner Technologies (SPT), an RFID system developer specializing in asset and inventory management, reached out to JADAK to provide integrated RFIDreaders. SPT was designing an RFID system for Emergency Medical Services, as well as fire and other first responder providers, to manage their inventory. SPT designed a system called IntelliView, placing RFID readers and antennas inside vehicles to create “smart” vehicles, rooms, and/or shelves (SmartShelves). RFID tags are then placed directly on equipment or medical supplies, which are then stored on a shelf, vehicle or in a bag/pelican case. This enables emergency medical providers to quickly identify what supplies are available and their exact location, simplifying replenishment and drastically improving the ability to find and pull items based on recalls or expiration.
JADAK provided SPT with its ThingMagic Mercury6 (M6) RAIN Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID module, which is able to continuously read a large volume of tags within an area. The M6 is utilized in SPT’s customers’ smart rooms, shelves, racks, and portal applications. As emergency providers pull supplies and inventory for use, SPT’s system is able to automatically update the information, so that inventory can be quickly and accurately replenished. JADAK provided SPT with its micro-module for use inside the SPT IntelliVan application.
“We’ve been working with JADAK for over six years and have found the hardware and products are easy to use and integrate within our systems,” said Ted Kostis, President of SPT. JADAK’s product versatility and breadth of line provided SPT with a single source for all of its reader needs.
Results: Bonita Springs
Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District uses SPT’s IntelliView solution. Bonita Springs has six different locations, each with an abundance of medical equipment and each station with its own medical supply room. Prior to utilizing the IntelliView solution, Bonita Springs conducted its inventory manually, resulting in missed items, expiration dates and costly mistakes. Once Bonita Springs installed the IntelliView RFID system, items were counted and tracked continuously throughthe use of RFID tags. The readers and antennae,installed in their medical supply rooms, monitor quantities and expiration dates, and send alerts when quantities are low or supplies are expired. As a result, Bonita Springs is able to monitor their inventory daily via their website, which resulted in 30% purchasing savings in the first year alone. And this does not factor in the additional significant savings achieved in personnel hours.
Results: South Metro
South Metro Fire Rescue Authority, Colorado, also uses SPT’s IntelliView solution. South Metro operates 17 EMS stations, with inventory warehoused at its headquarters. Prior to the SPT solution, supplies were counted and expiration dates were verified manually, requiring significant hours and resulting in a high degree of error. The IntelliView system at South Metro used active and passive RFID technology to track both serialized items (such as narcotics) and non-serialized assets and supplies. The RFID technology converted supply racks into smart shelves that identified tagged items. The racks were retrofitted with antennas and a Mercury 6 fixed reader from JADAK. Items were identified using tags. IntelliView’s cloud-based software included middleware to manage tag reads and an inventory management application. When a tagged item is removed from the smart shelf, it is automatically detected and inventory is updated in real time. The software also tracks when products will expire and features a scheduling calendar to monitor when items need to be recalibrated. Following the project’s completion, ambulances left stations with the correct equipment and fresh medicine, and overhead was reduced by 50%. As a result of implementation of IntelliView, South Metro achieved a return on its investment within the first 18 months by cutting its inventory in half. And it reduced its labor costs by an estimated 400%.
Results: Equipment Management Service and Repair
Equipment Management Service and Repair, a company that services and repairs healthcare and medical services equipment, also utilized SPT’s solution to identify emergency medical items requiring maintenance or inspection, and to ensure emergency responders do not leave expensive equipment behind when out on calls. In the emergency services sector, tracking equipment is more complicated than at fixed locations, because items are mobile. SPT’s solution not only saved Equipment Management money, but it also saved critical time during these life-saving situations.
Many emergency service providers are government funded and are required to provide periodic audits of equipment and inventory. An asset and inventory RFID system provides an automated way to meet these requirements.
With automated inventory management, less personnel hours are required, resulting in an average 40% gain in efficiency.
RFID tracking can drastically reduce in-stock inventory through more accurate monitoring and ordering of quantities and less waste of expired medical supplies. Many EMS organizations have seen inventory carrying costs cut by 30-50%.
Safety increases with the use of RFID asset and inventory management. Lot numbers and recalls, as well as service scheduling can be addressed quickly and efficiently.

ThingMagic与JADAK(杰达克)的RFID技术结合 ,将产生更为强大助力,推动RFID行业的发展。
深圳市铨顺宏科技有限公司作为美国JADAK旗下ThingMagic的中国区总代理商,为您提供ThingMagic的超高频RFID模块、超高频RFID读写器以及超高频RFID天线和标签。ThingMagic作为全球领先的RFID设备制造商,可以在保证稳定性和准确性的前提下,其核心产品具备750张标签每秒的读取速度,强大的多标签防碰撞算法,高速的信息读取与处理能力。深圳铨顺宏以专业的技术支持,用心服务于每位客户和用户,帮助客户将ThingMagic产品广泛应用于 RFID服装零售智慧门店 、RFID医疗智能化管理, RFID档案票据管理 、RFID公检法物证管理, RFID银行款箱及票据管理 、 RFID电力电网和巡检管理 、 RFID航空行李管理 、 RFID物流自动化分拣 , RFID 精准农渔业智能化等多个领域。
更多产品及解决方案,请访问铨顺宏 www.fuwit.com或咨询400-0581-580.