CAN-2019C module follows the DS-301 version 4.02 and DSP-401 version 2.1. You can access the thermocouple input status and set the configuration by using standard CANopen protocol. CAN-2019C has passed the validation of the CiA CANopen Conformance Test tool. Therefore, you can use it with standard CANopen master easily by applying the EDS file. The CAN-2019C is a 10-channel universal analog input CANopen slave module with voltage and current input types. It provides extremely accurate thermocouple measurement and automatically cold-junction compensation for each channel. By owing to the CANopen masters of ICP DAS, you can quickly build a CANopen network to approach your requirements. For more information about the CANopen master interfaces and other CANopen products, please refer to the following web site, please refer to the following web site.