产品规格︰ 电压(Voltage):
3VOLT: 2.7 Vdc - 3.6 Vdc (P/N 21006541)
3&5VOLT: 2.8 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc (P/N 21006539)
Operating:Less than 1 mA maximum total current at 3.3V (for up to 3 tracks) while card is being swiped.
Armed to read:
Less than 120µA maximum total current when no card is being swiped ,and device is armed to read.
Off state: less than 10µA when device is held in the OFF state, and less then 20µA in the shift-out or data extraction state.
速度范围(Speed Range):2 - 100 in (5-254cm) For the standard 75 to 210 bits per inch (bpi) data density
操作环境:-40° C - 85° C
产品优点︰ Card-Present Feature - indicates when an encoded card is being swiped
超强解读能力 High performance decoding 能补正磁讯号较差的卡片及已磨损磁头
智慧型解码控制 AGC (Automatic Gain Control) reads cards from 30%~ 200% of ISO 7811 amplitude standard
开发更容易 Simplified firmware(可提供完善磁卡相关技术培训及源代码)
Shift-Out format makes it easier to write controller code
Robust re-synchronization capabilities - reads cards with badly damaged leading or synchronization zero - bits in either swipe direction
高抗干扰 High noise immunity 配合适当的 PCB layout , 此 ASIC 能抗来自个人电脑 PC monitors,行动电话 Cell phones, 电源供应器 Switching power supplies 等干扰。
介绍 : ◆低成本设计,单一晶片即可解读 单、双或三轨读卡讯号.
◆精巧设计-4 mm x 5mm 14 pin MLFTM ( QFN) surface mount package
特色 : ◆可处理到三轨讯号,只要将4输出讯号VDD, VSS, DATA, 及 STROBE接到micro -controller即可
◆Data buffer with Shift-Out
◆抗干扰-配合适切的PCB layout,此ASIC能抗来至PC monitors, cell phones, switching power supplies,等干扰.
◆自动 Gain 控制,卡片读取从30% - 200% 的 International Standards Organization (ISO) 7811 amplitude standard