hybrid (twin) smart cards meeting specification:
Twin (hybrid) smart card 6k + Mifare 1k 10,000 piece.
Processor card which will be student ID carrier.
Processor card with interface:
1)contact - should meet ISO/IEC 7816-2 and ISO/IEC 7816-3
with memory at last 6 kilobytes,
2)contact less - should meet ISO/IEC 14443 for card type A and shuold
meet Mifare certificate conditions, memory at last 1 kilobyte.
Commands and answers send (transmit) during communication with contact part
of this smart card should be valid with structure APDU (ADPU meeting
ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard).
Commands and answers send (transmit) during communication with contact less part
of this smart card should be valid with Mifare standard, (meeting
ISO/IEC 14443-2 and ISO/IEC 14443-3 standars).
Records protection on specified card should be cryptographic algorithm
We require also access codes and optionaly user PIN s.
We also require ability to define counters (numerators).
Smart card operating system should be valid (compatibility) with MPCOS
Smart card should make possible loading application with EMV2000
*Hybrid/Twin Cards: Type of smart card that has two chips embedded in it, a contactless chip and a contact chip. The two chips are not connected to each other. Instead, one chip serves the consumer needs and the other the card issuer needs.
**MPCOS: Multi-application Payment Chip Operating System
e-mail: tony@toniyo.com
Twin (hybrid) smart card 6k + Mifare 1k 10,000 piece.
Processor card which will be student ID carrier.
Processor card with interface:
1)contact - should meet ISO/IEC 7816-2 and ISO/IEC 7816-3
with memory at last 6 kilobytes,
2)contact less - should meet ISO/IEC 14443 for card type A and shuold
meet Mifare certificate conditions, memory at last 1 kilobyte.
Commands and answers send (transmit) during communication with contact part
of this smart card should be valid with structure APDU (ADPU meeting
ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard).
Commands and answers send (transmit) during communication with contact less part
of this smart card should be valid with Mifare standard, (meeting
ISO/IEC 14443-2 and ISO/IEC 14443-3 standars).
Records protection on specified card should be cryptographic algorithm
We require also access codes and optionaly user PIN s.
We also require ability to define counters (numerators).
Smart card operating system should be valid (compatibility) with MPCOS
Smart card should make possible loading application with EMV2000
*Hybrid/Twin Cards: Type of smart card that has two chips embedded in it, a contactless chip and a contact chip. The two chips are not connected to each other. Instead, one chip serves the consumer needs and the other the card issuer needs.
**MPCOS: Multi-application Payment Chip Operating System
e-mail: tony@toniyo.com